The personnel policy is aimed at forming personnel capable of effectively solving common tasks.
The main principles of the Company are based on trust and reliability in relationships both within the Company and with business partners; care and concern for clients, colleagues and new technologies.
The company focuses on educating its own experienced professionals. Recruitment in the Company is carried out not only for low positions, but also for senior positions. Upon hiring, each employee undergoes a probationary period and undergoes safety training.
The process of personnel assessment in the Company is carried out on an ongoing basis. The main purpose of the process is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the work of each employee, its adjustment, if necessary, and the presentation of a certain assessment of its potential.
The Company is interested in the professional and business growth of its subordinates, and such growth is possible within the Company, as well as promotion.
In addition to a number of services that make up the standard social package, the Company also offers additional accident and life insurance services for personnel whose professional duties are directly related to the possibility of increased danger, this risk group includes such types of work as company drivers, engineers and technical specialists, specialists of the service department.
